Travel Bursaries for Conferences
In order to encourage UK postgraduate students to present work at international conferences, the BMVA issues bursaries to help cover the travel and conference costs. A number of such bursaries, of up to £1000 each, are issued annually. In return, the recipient is expected to write a report on the conference for inclusion on the BMVA website, or equivalent work for the BMVA as agreed with the bursaries officer, and to present their paper at a BMVA-organised meeting in the autumn.
To be eligible, you must be:
- a student at a UK university;
- a BMVA member;
- presenting work at a major conference within the BMVA’s remit.
To apply for such a Student Bursary, please complete the online bursary application form
Bursary applications are considered shortly after a fixed number of deadlines. You can submit applications at any time but your application will be considered only after the deadline. The results will be announced directly to applicants. The deadlines are bimonthly at the end of March, May, July, September and November.
Preference is given to papers where the student is first author and to students who have not already received a bursary. The committee reserves the right to restrict the total number of bursaries awarded for any one conference/institution.
Students receiving bursaries are expected to acknowledge their receipt of a BMVA bursary in their oral presentation or poster.
Successful applicants will be sent the agreed funds upon receipt by the bursaries officer of:
- proof that the conference was attended;
- original receipts;
- a conference review or alternative contribution, to be decided in discussion with the bursaries officer;
- a completed claim form. Fill out the form (leaving the “BMVA Committee Member” blank)
This must be done within two calendar months of the end of the conference.
BMVC Bursaries
Special provision for student bursaries for BMVC (usually covering the cost of the conference itself) are arranged each year by the BMVC organisers. For details, contact the conference organiser or look at the BMVC web page.