One Day Meetings
One of the major activities of the British machine Vision Association (BMVA) is the organisation and facilitation of Technical Meetings on activities of interest to its membership. The meetings are normally one day meetings, held in a central London venue holding between 45 and 90 people. A chair or group of chairs in a specific area of machine vision proposes a meeting topic to the BMVA and the BMVA then deals with the routine matters of organisation that are common to all meetings, while the chair is the person responsible for organisation of item such as technical programme and individual speakers.
Subscribe to the BMVA mailing list
For up to date information on forthcoming BMVA meetings and events, subscribe to the BMVA mailing list by following this link: Join the mailbase.
You do not need to be a member of the BMVA to attend one of our technical meetings. If you attend as a non-member you are automatically signed up to the BMVA for that year.
Volunteer to chair your own meeting
We are currently SEEKING VOLUNTEERS to host meetings for Autumn 2024 onwards.
This is not a hard task and involves:
- Defining the format of the meeting
- Organising a program of speakers (by a call for paper or invitation)
- Chairing the meeting on the day and that is it!.
All other arrangements (finances, food, registration, room-booking etc.) will be taken care of by the BMVA. Please contact Andrew Gilbert if you are interested in hosting one of the future meetings.
Upcoming Meetings
Over the coming year we have a number of exciting meetings. Please see below for a list of the upcoming meetings (also referenced in our upcoming events on the main page). The links below will provide additional details about the meetings and the ability to book a ticket to attend.
BMVA Symposium on Digital Humans
28 May 2025Chairs: Jack Saunders (University of Bath), Avirup Dey (University of Bath), Vinay Namboodiri (University of Bath), Soubhik Sanyal (Meta).

BMVA Symposium on AI Security
16 July 2025Chairs: Dr Chen Feng (University College London), Dr Jingjing Liu (University of Bristol), Dr Niki Foteinopoulou (University of Luxembourg) and Dr Zhonglin Sun (Queen Mary University of London).

Previous Meetings
Many of the talks from previous meetings are also available on our YouTube channel.
BMVA Symposium on 3D Vision
26 February 2025Chairs: Will Rowan (University of York), Nick Pears (University of York)

BMVA Symposium on Image & Video Quality
11 December 2024Chairs: Alex Mackin (Prime Video), Angeliki Katsenou (University of Bristol), Aaron Zhang (University of Bristol)

BMVA Symposium: Robotics Foundation & World Models
30 October 2024Chairs: Rudra Poudel (Toshiba Europe Ltd), Dimitrios Kanoulas (University College London), Maria Koskinopoulou (Heriot-Watt University), Thomas George Thuruthel (University College London), Edward Johns (Imperial College London)

Trustworthy Multimodal Learning with Foundation Models: Bridging the Gap between AI Research and Real World Applications
24 April 2024Chairs: Chao Zhang (Toshiba Europe Ltd), Jindong Gu (University of Oxford), Shitong Sun (Queen Mary University of London), Onay Urfalioglu (Vivo Tech GmbH)

BMVA Symposium on Vision and Language
17 January 2024Chairs: Michael Wray (University of Bristol), Davide Moltisanti (University of Bath), and Tengda Han (University of Oxford).

Synthetic Data for Machine Learning
08 November 2023Chairs: Abdulrahman Kerim - UCA, Leandro Soriano Marcolino – Lancaster University, Erickson Nascimento - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais & Microsoft

BMVA 3 Day Symposium
04 April 2022Chairs: Neill Campbell, Andrew Gilbert, Tim Cootes

Real-time 3D scene understanding
01 July 2020Chairs: Mihai Bujanca (Manchester University) Horia Porav (University of Oxford)

POSTPONED** Localization and Spatial Awareness in Computer Vision **POSTPONED
27 May 2020Chairs: Toby Breckon - Durham, Khalid Ismail - Durham, Andrew Calway - Bristol, Tim Lukins - Machines with Vision

3D worlds from 2D images in humans and machines.
29 January 2020Chairs: Andrew Schofield, Aston University. Richard Bowden, University of Surrey. Wendy Adams University of Southampton.

Generative Networks In Computer Vision and Machine Learning
27 November 2019Chairs: Nathan Olliverre

Video Understanding
25 September 2019Chairs: Hilde Kuehne, Dima Damen, Juergen Gall and Ivan Laptev

Geometry and Deep Learning
19 July 2019Chairs: Vassileios Balntas and Krystian Mikolajczyk

High-Performance Computing for Computer Vision
22 May 2019Chairs: Nicoletta Noceti & Giuseppe Ciaccio

Visual Image Interpretation in Humans and Machines: Machines that see like us?
10 April 2019Chairs: Andrew Schofield

Deep Learning in 3-Dimensions
20 February 2019Chairs: Chris Holder, Chris Willcocks and Gregoire Payen de La Garanderie